Pinot Meunier Bubbles

Pinot Meunier is a grape variety that is part of the large Pinot family . This grape variety is a mutation of Pinot Noir and is grown mainly in France , especially in the Champagne region .

The name “ Meunier ” comes from the French and means “miller”. This term refers to the characteristic white fluff on the underside of the leaves, which makes them look like they are covered in flour. It is a late-growing grape, which allows it to avoid damage from frosts that could delay production and harvest. It is widely grown in Champagne , where it constitutes 30% of the crop and is used for the production of very fine sparkling wines. It is also present in other French wine regions such as Burgundy and Alsace . In addition to France, it is grown in Germany , where it is known as “Müllerrebe”, and in California , where winemakers try to imitate the production of sparkling wine typical of Champagne.

Pinot Meunier has a more acidic base taste than other Pinots. Its fruity flavor features notes of cherry and currant . The color of Pinot Meunier wine varies depending on the winemaking method. Fermentation combined with the skins of the grapes produces a full-bodied red wine, while maturation away from the skins produces a clear and transparent wine.

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