
Tentaka Umakara

Format : 720ml
Graduation : 15%
Origin : Japan
Temperature : 5 -10°
Color : Clear

Note : Sake that fully respects the founder's wish "it is not sake if it is not dry" at the same time it is a soft and fresh sake. Winner of two awards, Great Value and Trophy in the Futsushu section of IWC 2018.

Tentaka Brewery is located in a town surrounded by nature in Ohtawara, Tochigi Prefecture. Throughout the year, the area is blessed with mild weather: hot summers and cold winters, making it the perfect climate for sake brewing. Since the town is located on the delta between the Naka River and the Houki River, rice has always been grown in the area. The abundant underground water of Mount Nasu in the northernmost part of the prefecture provides the clean water needed for sake brewing. Rice, water, and climate: all the conditions are met, which is why the town is perfect for brewing Nihonshu. We have stuck to what our founder always said: “If it’s not dry, it’s not sake.” Although we appreciate and inherit the founders’ philosophy, we are not afraid of change. We try every day to create sake that fits the times we live in.